Vegetable and Herb Seeds for Commercial Growers
Welcome to Corona Seeds! We offer vegetable, herb, and other seeds for commercial growers. We also offer seed priming , treating, coating (pelleting), edible flower, green manure cover crops and organic seeds. If you have any questions about our products, please give us a call at 1-805-388-2555 or WhatsApp 1-805-443-9595
Featured Vegetable and Herb Seeds
Widely adapted hybrid cauliflower with large heavy self wrapping heads. […]Read more -
Crimson Giant
The largest turnip-shaped type with a mild flavor and white […]Read more -
Crimson Sweet
Light green Skinned watermelon with smaller dark seeds and dark […]Read more -
Crunchy Royale F1
Fall, winter and also early spring production this Crunchy Royale […]Read more -
Dark Green Italian
These large plants with thick stalks and large quantity of […]Read more -
Dasher II
Slightly tapered ends and very slim dark green cucumber. Days: […]Read more
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